I found this recipe on Paleo Cupboard. I used the dough recipe exactly, and the glaze. However, I like my cinnamon filling to have a little bit more oomph. And what surprising ingredient adds oomph to a lot of things paleo? Pecans. That's right. Raw pecan halves. I put probably a little less than a cups worth of pecans into my Nutribullet and pulverized. Voila. Pecan flour. I added the pecan flour to the honey, cinnamon, and coconut oil. After tasting it, I couldn't imagine the cinnamon filling without it.
The downside of a small kitchen is that when you bake, it is HOT. And it stays hot. So when I went to "roll" out my dough (I didn't have a rolling pin so I used my hands) it did not stay firm from when it cooled in the fridge. When it came down to rolling up my last strip, it was definitely sticking to the parchment paper and to my hands. Paleo mess. About half of my cinnamon rolls looked more like cinnamon lumps. But the other half didn't turn out too bad! I was satisfied. Especially since it was my first attempt at paleo-friendly cinnamon rolls.
I could definitely use these as a permanent replacement to the store-bought. Also, this has been my boyfriend's favorite paleo treat, yet! And when anything healthy is highly approved by the boyfriend, you know it's good. Another plus: they only take like 15 minutes to bake. The recipe on Paleo Cupboard says anywhere from 17-21, but I took mine out a little early and they were perfect.
So now you can enjoy a much healthier version of cinnamon rolls!
Everyone have an awesome weekend.