Monday, May 13, 2013

Mondays Stink, But You Don't Have To!

So last week at work, a fantastical smell kept grazing my nostrils. After asking several fellow coworkers, "Hey! Do you smell that?" A woman finally said, "Well, it may be my deodorant..." And it was! But, this isn't just your average deodorant stick. This is Donna Karan's Cashmere Mist deodorant. For $20, it is a bit steep price-wise, but if you wear this you don't even need perfume, so you are really getting your money's worth. I must warn you...if you aren't paying attention you will be stretching your neck to smell your armpits all day. As much as you may enjoy the scent, it is typically frowned upon to smell your armpits in public. But, next time you are at the department store, you must look for this! It is mixed in with the perfume. I got mine from Macy's!

Now, for those of you who prefer deodorant without fragrance, artificial preservatives, etc...I would recommend Tom's of Maine Naturally Dry antiperspirant deodorant. It is unscented, around $3 or $4, and keeps me dry! Previous unscented deodorant I had tried did not work and I had to walk around with my arms stuck to my sides all day, but I have had absolutely no trace of body odor every time I have worn this! Most drug stores, grocery stores, vitamin shops and natural food stores carry this. I got mine from Kroger!

So be confident as you go through your Monday knowing that at least one thing does not stink: YOU.  Check back soon for our newest post!
Keep it sassy.


  1. I really like the Tom's naturally dry! I really want to smell the Donna Karen deodorant now...

    1. It smells so good! The scent is really comforting, if that makes sense. And not too overpowering!
